Your vehicle is essentially a moving banner that is seen in parking lots, speeding on high-ways and sitting in traffic. Design of for your Vehicle Branding follows the same principals as a banner: Have a simple message and a call to action. Call us now on 0774 408 000. Quick Brand offers the best car branding in Nairobi Kenya. We mainly specialize in professional car wrapping Kenya, vehicle branding for lorries, matatus, canters and commercial vehicles.
Vehicle branding is the act of covering your vehicle with graphics; it could be for aesthetic or marketing purposes. It could be a simple sticker on a vehicle or a complete vehicle wrap. We will focus on vehicle branding for marketing purposes.
Every branding tries to achieve any of the two key objectives;
Vehicle branding is an extension of your brand. You need to be consistent in the use of brand messages and assets such as color, typeface, illustration, images or any other brand assets you have used before. Consistency makes your brand memorable to your audience.
You have to stand out from the crowd. To achieve this you need to look at what your competitors are doing. This will helps you differentiate yourself in the market and come up with something unique.